
Documentation for Botcoins v2

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About Botcoins

Botcoins is a discord chat bot designed to feed you with crypto information. The bot sources data from various places such as CoinMarketCap, Coinbase, Bitpay, Bitfinex and Bittrex (and more in the future.) We support most currencies that are listed on CoinMarketCap.

How do I add Botcoins to my Discord Server/Guild?

Click on this link

Helpful information

Getting Started - Generic Cryptos

See the price of a coin


> In a reduced IRC-styled line


See the price of a coin compared to another


> At a specific amount of the coin

botcoins.c amt

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I open the help menu?

Ahh the first step to helping yourself! Do $chelp for a list of commands and do $chelp command for the details.


How do I make Botcoins show a certain coin’s prices in the nickname?

By default, Botcoins shows the BTCUSD pair, just do $cconfig enablenickstatus to activate this function.


This function creates a lot of audit log entries. like this

How to I view the price chart?

Easy, just do $cgraph BTC if you’re looking for BTC, otherwise replace it with something like XMR or ETH.


example graph output


Old commands from botcoins prefixed with btc. are now prefixed with $cbtc

Example: Old


Example: New
